our story
The Gear Fix is an outdoor gear consignment and repair shop that has been serving Central Oregon since 2006. If you have lived in Bend for a while, there is a good chance you’re familiar with who we are and what we do. If not, we invite you to stop by the shop and check us out.
We aim to create opportunities for continuous engagement with the outdoors through selling and repairing quality outdoor gear. By selling clothing on consignment, we decrease the initial investment of getting outside, and through repairing damaged gear, we help people recreate while keeping materials out of the landfill. These platforms allow us to promote and highlight companies that are doing their part in making quality gear that lasts, which in turn reduces their overall environmental impact. We seek to cultivate a sense of community both inside and outside of the shop by staying involved in Central Oregon's non-profit efforts aimed at making our area inclusive for all that choose to venture outdoors.